
发布时间:2022-07-04        来源于:广信君达律师事务所

自2015年6月国家税务总局、公安部联合下发《关于开展打击利用黄金交易虚开增值税专用发票违法犯罪专项行动的通知》以来,各地相关部门联合展开了打击虚开黄金增值税专用发票(下称“黄金票”)的专项行动,涌现出诸多瞩目案件。本文将结合笔者此前了解参与过的数宗合规案及相关资料分析,对“黄金票” 罪及将相关专项合规要求事先嵌入黄金等贵金属大宗交易业务的必要性作简要讨论。





1. 无实际经营活动,为他人、为自己、让他人为自己、介绍他人开具专票,用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款的其他发票;

2. 有实际经营活动,但为他人、为自己、让他人为自己、介绍他人开具数量或金额不实的专票,用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款的其他发票;

3. 进行了实际经营活动,但让他人为自己代开专票、用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款的其他发票;

4. 介绍他人虚开,是明知双方无真实交易而积极居间联系、撮合双方之间虚开的第三人参与介绍,该第三人一般是自然人。




1. 票货分离,主要是一些不法分子委托上海黄金交易所(下称“上金所”)会员单位购入黄金,取得进项发票后,通过无票售金方式对实际购金人不开票,后在无真实交易情况下向外虚开而收取抵扣的国家税收款;

2. 变造、伪造增值税专票,通过高科技手段对黄金票进行换脸,变造、伪造增值税专票上的文字信息(单位名称、货物名称等),再提供给需要进项发票抵扣的企业,进而牟取不当利益。









Academic | Crime of issuing false transaction invoice and its compliance

Since China’s State Administration of Taxation and Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the Notice on Launching Special Actions against the Crime of False Issuance of Special Value-added Tax (VAT) Invoices through Gold Transactions in June 2015, relevant authorities across China have jointly taken special actions to strike down false issuance of special VAT invoices for gold transactions (the "gold transaction invoices"), leading to a number of prominent cases. This article briefly discusses the crime of issuing false gold transaction invoices and the necessity of incorporating relevant compliance requirements into the gold block and precious metal trading business in advance, with reference to available data analysis and the author's experience in relevant compliance cases.

1.Understanding the crime

To better understand the crime of issuing false gold transaction invoices, we must first grasp the concepts of "the crime of issuing false special VAT invoices (the ‘crime of false special invoice issuance’)" and "the tax risks in gold transactions". The crime of false special invoice issuance is stipulated in article 205 of Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China as a crime violating the state tax collection and administration system and state taxation. It refers to the illegal conduct of issuing false invoices for fraudulent export tax refund and tax deduction without actual transactions being made.

There are four main scenarios of false issuance:

(1) Falsely issuing special invoices for the purpose of fraudulent export tax refund and tax deduction for others or oneself, or asking others to do so for oneself, or recommending others to do so, without any actual business operations;

(2) Falsely issuing special invoices bearing false quantities or amounts for the purpose of fraudulent export tax refund and tax deduction for others or oneself, or asking others to do so for oneself, or recommending others to do so, through actual business operations;

(3) Instructing others to falsely issue special invoices or other invoices for oneself for the purpose of fraudulent export tax refund and tax deduction, based on actual business operations;

(4) Recommending others to falsely issue special invoices or other invoices through a third party (usually a natural person) who actively mediates and brokers between the two parties to conduct such false issuance despite knowing there’s no actual transaction between the parties.

Gold being precious metal, its physical transactions are characterised by large sum, high invoice value, small volume, and great liquidity. In actual gold transactions, buyers do not necessarily require special VAT invoices, nor do they need VAT input invoices. Therefore, gold trading enterprises may accumulate a large number of sales invoices, and these surplus invoices may motivate arbitrage by "exploiting gold transactions to falsely issue special invoices", posing significant tax risks.

There are two main forms of the crime of issuing false gold transaction invoices:

(1) Separation of invoices and goods, in which lawbreakers entrust members of Shanghai Gold Exchange to purchase gold and obtain input tax invoices, and sell the gold without issuing invoices to actual buyers, then issue false invoices for the collection of national tax credits without making actual transactions;

(2) Altering or forging special VAT invoices, or altering or forging the information (e.g., name of buyers and goods) on gold transaction invoices using high-tech means for undue profits by providing such invoices to companies needing input tax invoices for tax offsetting.

Since the aforementioned false and fake invoices may lead to VAT losses of the state and reported crimes involving gold transaction invoices in recent years often amount to more than RMB100 million (USD15 million), the crime is considered particularly serious.

2.Criminal chain and analysis

Taking a certain gold transaction invoice-related crime as example, the criminal network involved the gold agency, the gold trading enterprise, an invoice receiving shell company, an actual gold user, and downstream companies. The gold trading enterprise was a member of Shanghai Gold Exchange, and the gold agency was responsible for contacting the other subjects in the gold sales business chain. The enterprise had no direct contact with any subjects other than the gold agency.

In a typical crime of issuing false gold transaction invoices, the general process is: the gold agency contacts the invoice receiving shell company through a series of third parties to obtain the invoice information of the shell company; the actual gold buyer (i.e. the actual gold user) transfers payment to the account of the shell company (i.e. the downstream company of tax deduction) via bank cards controlled by the gold agency, and enter into a gold sales contract in the name of the shell company with the enterprise who will make false record of capital flow and issue false special invoices after the purchase payment is transferred to it from the downstream company of tax deduction. After the enterprise purchases the gold, the gold agency will instruct its consignee(s) to pretend to be employees of dozens of shell companies to sign the pick-up mandates and give the gold to the actual user; the gold agency will then instruct the consignee(s) to ask for special invoices from the enterprise and give the invoices to others, thus completing the separation of invoices and goods.

In the above process, the enterprise and related persons are usually deceived or they deliberately neglect the other links, as they often have no comprehensive knowledge of all involvements and tend to believe that the transaction is real based on the gold sales contract.

3.Fore-and-aft compliance

Recent years have witnessed heated discussions and practical attempts in relation to non-prosecution and third-party supervision mechanism. Although false issuance of gold transaction invoices is merely a special situation of false issuance of special invoices (in “problematic” industries such as pharmacy and construction), the chain of crime in such cases are usually extensive (requiring consideration of due diligence issues apart from the usual KYC ones) and various professions (e.g. auditing, legal, supply chain management) may play a role. Therefore, focusing on the judicial practices such as non-prosecution is not enough. Attention must also be paid to the pre-transaction and post-transaction compliance.

The authors believe that gold transaction enterprises should strive for sound corporate compliance. Apart from leveraging compliance systems such as defense evidence proof chain, voluntary disclosure, and responsibility division, independent auditors, professional lawyers and other compliance experts should be allowed to play their indispensable parts.


全朝晖 高级合伙人





彭静 专职律师






上一篇:浅析商标合理使用的适用问题 下一篇:知名中介推介的日本房地产项目暴雷的法律问题分析